Friday NOV 12th
2:oo - 4:00 pm
at Kalani's home
( if you want to come and need directions email me-
SO ...what's the deal?
For our main service project this school year our family is a part of Project Peacepals and earning money for mosquito nets for the kids in Ghana and Togo Africa to help
"Stamp out Malaria"
Bella and Gracie will be selling WHIMSY cupcakes- 1.50$ ( minis ) and hot cocoa- 0.50 and peace pal bracelets 5$ -( made by fair trade project in peru- sanyork and they are really nice! ) They have made a goal to sell 100 bracelets by April. They are also planning a bikathon for spring and a couple other events but come get one this week!
If you can't come but want a bracelet- let us know
ALL the money raised goes towards the mosquito nets.
By the time you read this one child in Africa has died from Malaria
A child dies from Malaria in Africa every 30 seconds
The single MOST effective means of prevention is a Mosquito net
and they are 5$!!
For five dollars you could help save a life..
This is what the bracelets look like- they are really cute and very well made!
if you are planning on coming and have a request- let us know!
If you buy a bracelet you get 3 FREE cupcakes!!! :) It is a win win!
See Ya There!!