Sunday, November 22, 2009


Thanks to all who came out to the Open House!!!! It was a SmaShinG Good TiMe!!! We made 600 cupcakes ( told you we wouldn't be stingy on the cupcakes..)
and only had 2 dozen left!!!
Really so fun- we may have to do it again.....
not any time soon though :)
We are not taking anymore orders for December- we have literally thousands to make!
SoRry we are booked, full, packed,Finito, Done! :)

I should have taken more picts but didn't really have time- here are a few of the cupcakes..

Thursday, November 12, 2009

FoRgOt To MeNTioN....

We forgot to mention the fantastic deals for January and February! January is typically kind of slow ( way to stick to your resolutions!!) and February IS NOT but it is Valentines and we LOVE you guys!!! SO here is the deal- you make an order at the open house for January or February and you get a DOZEN minis free!!! Yes I said ONE DOZEN!!!! That is pretty AWESOME!!! BUt if you want this amazing deal you do need to order at the open house- so check your dates NOW. ALSO- any orders at the open house- for DEC ( remember - a half dozen free w/ every order) JAn or FEb ( one dozen free!) need to be paid in full that night. So you have got some planning to do! :) For Dec we only have a handful of dates left...
* ps the free cupcakes are the same flavor you ordered
AlSo.... The Scraps of Simplicty Girls are bringing some of their FaBuLoUS FrAmEs!!!
And for those in need- we have a Wonderous PLayRoom with 2 magnificent Super Girls and 1 stellar little man wanting others to play in it with them that night Sooo.. Bring your kiddos and they can dance and play too! :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

HEALTHY Cooking Class- WHAT??

I am finally starting my blog for Healthy Cooking Classes!
I know, I know ...
What about those Cupcakes you make? Well my sis and I do make Wonderfully Scrumptious cupcakes that are not healthy in any way for you ( well some do have carrot ribbons)- but that is not how me or my family eat 99% of the time- so I feel ok about the 1% especially if we munch on a leaf of KALE afterwards!! :) I am trying to create a super healthy cupcake that tastes great and I am getting closer- it is the frosting that is so tricky! So hopefully a healthy choice will be on the menu at Whimsy soon!
Anyways here is the link to my Healthy You Blog- I do healthy cooking classes and lots of other ones too- they are really fun and I treat you to many
Yummy Fabulously Healthy dishes! I also leave lots of health tips, recipes, oil recipes etc... Check it out!!!
Oh yeah and the info for the Open House will be up soon....
NOv 17th! Don't forget!!!